A blog about the search for integrity, DIY psychology, and customizing my own life

Tag: psychology

  • Is It Really Narcissist vs. Codependent?

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    For those who are making a sincere effort to heal from CPTSD, especially for those raised in dysfunctional families, it’s important to understand types of toxic relationship dynamics. One of the most common–more than a category than a type–is often referred to as the “narcissist/codependent” relationship. The narcissist in this scenario is seen as the… Read more

  • What Can Adderall Do For ADHD?


    The Road Trip Imagine life as a road trip. Your consciousness is the driver of this vehicle. As we grow up, we each are learning to drive. The vast majority of people learn successfully enough to navigate on their own. Everyone has differences in skill and style, and various breakdowns and accidents occur along the… Read more

  • Mindfulness Meditation: the Thin End of the Wedge

    I’ve already described how, during 2019 and 2020, I had started to break down what I’d always thought of merely as intense anxiety, and define what was really a cluster of debilitating symptoms that added up to feeling unbearable tension. In another post, I described a few, perhaps odd and shaky, but effective early steps… Read more

  • Full of Poison: Family Dynamics and the Realization That I’m Not Broken For No Reason


    In 2019/2020, I was bearing up under the burden of lifelong struggles that had never been resolved, but only endured. And this two-year period was a watershed of insights, which I started writing down to make sense of them. I started figuring out tactics and strategies for finally trying to remove some of the burden,… Read more

  • How Long Can You Try to Get Better Without Succeeding?

    I’d had a lot of ups and downs during a long and brutal period of anxiety, stress, and depression, but I’d never stopped working on trying to get better and happier. I am a self-improvement junkie, in some senses. It’s just what I do. I’m in love with ideas and thinking and figuring things out.… Read more

  • The Search for Integrity and Happiness: the Why and the What

    This blog will be a journal to attempt to solve some big problems for myself. I reached a point where I just can’t – no, I don’t want to – go on like this anymore. I’ll start by tracing how I reached a turning point. 2019 was a difficult year. It started with an incredibly… Read more